
Hello, my name is Dicky. I'm currently a software developer. In my office, I often use English to contact with my business partners, to chat with my friends or to write programming code. English is not my first language so I'm trying to learn it everyday to improve my skill.

The purpose I created MyEZEnglish is not to teach anyone English. I just want to write down helpful things that I want to remember. This is a place where I can come to and find something that I might forget in the future. However, I will very happy if this blog is helpful for you to discover this interesting language.

The things I write on this blog is compiled from books, English forums, my friends from many countries where English is their first language. There is also an important person who help me so much, my English teacher Ben.

I hope you enjoy my blog. Please contact me if you have any question or suggestion to make MyEZEnglish better. I really appriciate it.